03/11/2022 210 0

 More Elaborate Glorification is Desired.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to make supplication s and magnify Allah before step 6. One example of his supplication is as follows:

I have turned my face to the One Who created the heavens and the earth as a sincere submissive (person), and I am not one of the polytheists (Al Quraan, Surah Al-An’am, 6:80). My prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds (Al Quraan, Surah Al-An’am, 6:163). He has no partner. That is what I have been ordered and I am of those who submit. O Allah, You are the King and there is no Lord besides You. You are my Lord and I am Your slave. I have wronged my soul and You are aware of my sins, so forgive all my sins. No one forgives sins save You. Guide me to the best character. No one can guide me to the best of that save You. Turn me away from its evil, and no one can turn me away from its evil save You. At Your beck and call, all good is in Your hands and all evil is not to You. And I am for You and to you are the blessed and the exalted. I seek Your forgiveness and return unto You (‘Ali in Ahmad, Muslim, At-Trimidhi, Abu Dawud, and others.)

7. Then Say the At-Ta-‘Awuz 1

After the glorification and Sana, as the case may be, it is required to say the At-Ta-a’wuz, as follows:


A’uzubil-laahi minash-shaitaan-nirajim.

(Nafi’ ibn Jubair ibn Mut’am An Abi in Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, and Ibn Hibban)


I seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed.

(Source: The Muslim Handbook by Dr. Mubarak Ali)

(To be continued)


  1. [1] The At-Ta-‘Awuz is a requirement only in the first rak’ah of every Salah, and it is not required to repeat it for every subsequent rak’ah (Abu Hurairah in Muslim).

Dr. Mubarak Ali



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