The Muslim Handbook
RECOMMENDED DU'A (SUPPLICATIONS) 38. Dua’s when intending to do something Transliteration: Il-laa aiyashaa’ Allah Translation: Except if Allah wills In other words sa...
Combating Terrorism
Karen Armstrong, the world-renowned scholar of comperative religions, describes the Qur’an as the most pluralist scripture, as it recognizes all the prophets that came before Prophet Muhammed (p...
Combating Terrorism
Islam, as was revealed in the Qur’an, has advocated tolerance and moderation. Islam never promoted violence or hatred. Islam looks forward towards the future, not backwards to the past. Islam focuses...
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Question 25: If only those who follow Muhammad will be admitted into paradise, what about the generations who lived before his advent? Answer 25: Those who lived before the prophet’s missio...
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Question 26: What are the differences and similarities netween Sinnism and Shi’ism? Are there other sects that are considered belonging to the fold of Islam? Answer 26: Both Sunnis an...
Combating Terrorism
So, if one goes by the verdict of Almighty Allah, it is clearly in favour of a dialogue among civilizations, rather that a clash bewteen civilizations. The world is no doubt lived by people of differe...
Combating Terrorism
Root Cause of Terrorism Almost all the leading works on terrorisn, including those emanating from Western academia and policy think tanks, underscore the significance of addressing the root causes of...
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Question 28: If Islam is viable for all times and places, why is that Muslims are the world’s most backward people today? Answer 28: It is a fact that Islam is valid for all times and place...
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Question 29: Muslims claim to love Jesus, honour him, and believe in his message. Why then do they prefer Muhammad to him? Jesus is after all not only a messenger, but also the son of...
Combating Terrorism
PROBLEM WITH GENERALIZATIONS In so far as the root causes of terrorism, or the conditions that give rise to it, are concerned, the generalized explanations rend to id...