Combating Terrorism
Some terrorists use divine revelation as justification for racial, ethnic or religious terrorist attacks. Other terrorist attempts to spark a general uprising by a single strategically placed devastat...
Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts
Question 33: Is Islam ready to accord to Christians in Muslim countries the kind of freedom that Muslims enjoy in Christians countries? Can they freely express their religious views? ...
Combating Terrorism
PURPOSE AND GOALS OF Terrorism Terrorism is an activity that has some immediate purposes and some long-term goals. Almost all the leading works on terrorism discuss the purposes and goals of terroris...
Happy New Year!
How can we make this year the best ever to get us closer to Paradise? We need an intention with determination and discipline we pray. There are easy ways to raise us each day closer to our goal with...
Real & Wonderful Stories-A Brother
With a non-practicing Jewish mother and a non-practicing African-American Baptist father, both Socialists, religion obviously didn't play a role in my upbringing. Briefly exploring both Judaism and Ch...
Controversial Questions About Islam & Comments
What is the Punishment of Stealing a Valuable Thing? First of all, Allah says: {As for a male thief or a female thief cut off (from the wrist joint) their hands in recompense for what they committed,...
Prequisites and Requirements of Salah
Allahu laa ilaah ilaahu, wal hai-yul qai-yum, laa ta' khuzuhu sinatum wa laa naum, lahu ma fis-samawati, wa ma fil ardman zal-lazi yash fa 'u 'indahu ilaa bi iznihi, ya' lamu maa baina aydihim, wa maa...
Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts
Question 38: Does God reward one who believes in Him without necessarily following any particular religion? If there is indeed such a reward what then would be the importance of following a...