Despite such complexities, it is important to develop a rational understanding of terrorism. As Adrian Guelke points out,
Clarity from Confusion
I grew up as a Christian knowing from the media that the religion of Islam was a terrorist, barbaric, evil and dirty religion. It oppressed women by making them cover their hair and wear an outer garm...
Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts
Question 40: We Christians have many denominations, and so do you Muslims. You have Shi’as, Druzes, Isma’iliyyas. Why all these sects, and what are the differences between them? Answ...
Combating Terrorism
MUSLIM GRIEVANCES It is unfortunate that while the theory of religion preaches peace, its practice by a handful of deviants and heretics preaches violence. It is only by forging unity in their ranks...
Prequisites and Requirements of Salah
Under certain conditions, it is allowed and even recommended to shorten the prayer. The prayer of a traveler is therefore shortened based on the general principle of half the obligatory prayers and th...
Combating Terrorism
MUSLIM GRIEVANCES What is, then, the problem now in an era that has seen organizations such as al-Qaeda and a number of its affiliates hijack the historically-tolerant and peaceful tradition of the M...
Combating Terrorism
It was specific state practice in late eighteenth century Europe deliberately aimed at intimidating citizens and to prevent anarchy and maintain order that introduced the word ‘terrorism’. To be...
Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts
Question 42: What is Islam’s position with regards to nationalism? Answer 42: It is natural to love one’s country and people, as long as it does not lead to unjust dealings with other natio...