Allah’s Names
Every one of Allah’s names should lead a person to greater love of Allah as well as greater fear of Him, accompanied by attempting to get closer to Him.
"Allah" Mentioned in the Bible
In this video, Sheikh Yusuf Estes gives a linguistic analysis of the word “Allah”. The word “Allah” in itself is the beauty of Islam, “Allah” does not mean God, as God in Arabic is Illah… but w...
Al-‘Ali The Highest : The Names of Allah
The One Who is above and exceeds all others. The Most High, above whom there is nothing higher.
Islam is The religion of peace
The book makes clear that when the early Muslims overpowered major empires and took over vast areas, their motives were not to subjugate people or to enrich themselves. Indeed Islam stands firmly agai...
Ease and Tolerance in Islam
Ease and Tolerance: Two beautiful, intrinsic qualities of Islam.
Human Rights in Islam
Human Rights in Islam : Human Rights in Islam and Common Misconceptions: In this booklet the author address human rights in the light of perfectly balanced system of laws and principles of Islam. Thes...
The Purity
This book explains the concept of purification and that under Islam it is not limited to personal and physical purity but includes purifying oneself of sin and all disobedience of God. The book then d...
The Key to Understanding Islam
This book explains that Islam is a code of living that covers all aspects of life. It comprises a set of acts of worship: some verbal, some practical and others that are constituents of belief.