The Qur'an Translated: Message for Humanity
Between the two covers of this Book you will find the answers to those questions which touch the very heart of your being: why am I here? Where am I heading? How may I achieve happiness? How can I fin...
The Spirit of Islam
Offers a crystal-clear view into Islam by an Austrian Muslim.. a former Jew.
A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam
One of the best written books about Islam in English.
Have You Discovered Its Real Beauty
Perhaps you have preconceived, negative notions about Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Perhaps you have read or heard about it from unauthentic or biased sources. So, we invite you to objectivel...
Children's Faith Questions
This book is directed to Muslim parents devoted in teaching faith to their children in the times of globalization and unlimited access -through technology - to all that is confusing and/or contradicto...
Dr. Jeremiah's Spiritual Journey
A brief story in English of Dr. Jeremiah’s Spiritual Journey to know about Islam.
Ahkam Ramadan
A comprehensive and interactive PDF with live links to view and download rules and laws governing Islamic fasting - in 42 world languages. Simply click the flag to view and download the desired langua...
Translations of the Qur'an in Multiple Languages
An intractive PDF giving live online links to the Holy Qur'an in 49 different distinctive languages, inclusive of the original Arabic - all available for download with full permission to distribu...