Why is hijaab for women?

Why is hijaab for women?

24/09/2022 125 0

Why is hijaab for women?

     Hijaab means that an adult female wears unrevealing clothes, to cover her body from head to toes. As we have already mentioned some scholars consider covering the face and hands as not compulsory, while others do.

     Many non-Muslim females look at hijaab as a negative thing. I said non-Muslim female, because a Muslim woman should recognize that this is the command of Allah, and she has to abide with it if she is sincere to avoid the wrath of Allah in the normal situation. However, if we look at it carefully, these objecting women may change their opinions. On the one hand, hijaab is a means of protection through modesty. It functions as a psychological barrier between the female and others, especially men. It is similar to the military uniform, to dress extravagantly, having a driver, a guard, or secretary. They give an air of respect, which provides a person with some kind of protection from being bothered. On the other hand, not revealing most of her body makes her more precious to men and remote to reach, except through a marriage bond that preserves her rights and self-respect.

     To conclude our discussion of women’s status in Islam, let us always remember to differentiate between Islam and the Muslims’ practice of Islam, which may vary greatly from the Islamic teachings. Indeed, they are two different things.

     After all, let us ask a wise Muslim female, “Does she prefer the Western equity provided that she gives up her privileges granted by Islam?”

Dr. Saeed Ismaeel Sini



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