Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

ISLAMIC TRADITION OF PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE    While the world religions have piles of records of glorious achievements, there are also examples of the misuse of religion to accomplish selfi...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 06/11/2022 162
The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

RECOMMENDED DU'A (SUPPLICATIONS) 32. Du’a not to be a Trial for the Disbelievers Transliteration: Rabbanaa ‘alika tawak-kalnaa wa ilaika anabnaa wa ilaikal masir (4). Rabbanaa l...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 06/11/2022 130
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Question 18: You always say that the Old and New Testaments contain fabrications.  Why then do you sometimes use them as references when it is convenient for you? Answer 18: I would like to...

islamunveiled 06/11/2022 127
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

Islam believes in diversity of religions. It actually took birth in the context of Judaism and Christianity being the prevailing religions of the time. Islam shows a special respect towards Judaism an...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 06/11/2022 100
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Question 21: How can you tell a true religion from a false one? Answer 21: All the religions that God revealed through His prophets are true.  Any discernible corruption in these relig...

islamunveiled 06/11/2022 88
The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

RECOMMENDED DU'A (SUPPLICATIONS) 35. Du’a when Going Out Transliteration: Rabbi adkhilni mud khala sidqin, wa akhrijni mukhraja sidqin, waj ‘al-li mil-la dunka sultanan-nasira....

Dr. Mubarak Ali 06/11/2022 201
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

 In the West, Muslims are frequently labelled as terrorists and killers, and Islam is portrayed as a religion that incites violence and hatred. The fact is that Muslims, as a whole, do not believ...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 06/11/2022 85
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Prophet Muhammad

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Chapter 3: Belief in the Divine Scriptures Question 23: Where in the Bible was the prophet’s name mentioned? Answer 23: In John 14: 16.  “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give...

islamunveiled 06/11/2022 129
The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

RECOMMENDED DU'A (SUPPLICATIONS) 38. Dua’s when intending to do something Transliteration: Il-laa aiyashaa’ Allah Translation: Except if Allah wills   In other words sa...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 06/11/2022 121
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

 Karen Armstrong, the world-renowned scholar of comperative religions, describes the Qur’an as the most pluralist scripture, as it recognizes all the prophets that came before Prophet Muhammed (p...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 06/11/2022 139
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

Islam, as was revealed in the Qur’an, has advocated tolerance and moderation. Islam never promoted violence or hatred. Islam looks forward towards the future, not backwards to the past. Islam focuses...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 06/11/2022 224
Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine
Prophet Muhammad

Questions and Answers on Islamic Doctrine

Question 25: If only those who follow Muhammad will be admitted into paradise, what about the generations who lived before his advent? Answer 25: Those who lived before the prophet’s missio...

islamunveiled 06/11/2022 139

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