Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts

Questions on Sects and Schools of Thoughts

Question 39: Some person says “He is Christian, but he believes in total submission to God”.  Will this save him from God’s wrath? Answer: 39: True and total submission to God implies...

islamunveiled 03/11/2022 96
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

In so far as the long-term goals of organizations employing terrorist tactics are concerned, writes Weinberg, these include revolutionary, ethno-nationalistic and separatist, religious and reactionary...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 03/11/2022 150
Controversial Questions About Islam & Comments

Controversial Questions About Islam & Comments

Where is the Truth about the Death Sentence for Adulterers? The death sentence for an adulterer who has experienced marriage life is subject to hot discussion. There are scholars who support the opin...

Dr. Saeed Ismaeel Sini 03/11/2022 98
Real & Wonderful Stories-Themise Cruz

Real & Wonderful Stories-Themise Cruz

If anyone were to ask me when I became Muslim, the only feasible answer would be that I was born Muslim but just wasn't aware of it. We are all born into a state of Islam, but what is unfortunate is t...

Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki 03/11/2022 166
Recommended Du'a (Supplications)

Recommended Du'a (Supplications)

This chapter deals with seven crucial aspects of supplication in Islam: 1) the importance and virtues of supplication; (2) conditions for aqcceptance of supplication; (3) manners of the supplicant; (4...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 03/11/2022 108
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

Terrorism is not a new phenomenon. In some respects, what is known as terrorism in contemporary jargon predates by millennia the modern term used to describe it. This is not to say that the act of ter...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 03/11/2022 45
Real & Wonderful Stories-Tena

Real & Wonderful Stories-Tena

Both my husband and I converted to Islam. I converted during Ramadhan last year and my husband shortly after. The thing that drew me to Islam was the hijab and loose clothing of Muslim women...

Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki 03/11/2022 88


Allah cannot be deceived or tricked. He knows whether His servant is sincere, pure and clean in his intentions. For this reason, the supplicant must be serious, sincere and meet certain conditions bef...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 03/11/2022 142
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

The religious roots of terrorism can be traced back to the Sicarii – a Jewish Zealots group that was active during the Roman occupation of first century Middle East. The famous weapon of the Sicarii,...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 03/11/2022 159
Real & Wonderful Stories-Abdullah Reda

Real & Wonderful Stories-Abdullah Reda

I was raised in a Roman Catholic family in Northern Virginia. I can remember very clearly going to Catholic school, learning about the faith and receiving the sacraments of communion, confession and c...

Abdurahim bin Mizhir Almalki 03/11/2022 86
Combating Terrorism

Combating Terrorism

The English word 'terrorism' is derived from the regime de la terreur that prevailed in France from 1793-1794. Originally an instrument of the state, the regime was designed to consolidate t...

Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri 03/11/2022 120
The Muslim Handbook

The Muslim Handbook

Islam prescribes that a Muslim exercises certain discipline while supplicating to Allah during his hour of need. First, the servant must be humble and begin one’s request by praising and glorifying Al...

Dr. Mubarak Ali 03/11/2022 99

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